I Have COVID-19

I Have COVID-19

If you or someone you are taking care of is experiencing any of the following symptoms, call emergency services (911)

Trouble breathing
Persistent pain/pressure in the chest
New confusion
Inability to wake or stay awake
Bluish lips or face

What to Do

Follow instructions given by health departments and your doctor.

Let the other people in your household know you are sick so you can begin your isolation routine.

Begin staying at home except for necessary medical appointments so that you do not infect others.

Everyone in your home should limit errands (they might be infected but be asymptomatic).

Contact your pandemic pal and anyone else in your support network to let them know that you are sick so that they can be ready to help.

Contact people you may have exposed to the virus before you knew you were sick so that they can also get tested. Or contact your local health department so that they can reach out to your contacts without telling them your name.


What Not to Do

Do not self-prescribe medicine. Do not take leftover antibiotics. Do not inject disinfectants or expose yourself to UV-C light; these can cause severe injury and will not treat COVID-19.

Do not listen to anyone advocating a treatment for COVID-19 who is not qualified to do so!

Drug side effects and drug interactions must be considered when prescribing medication as well as the health status of those taking them. Consult a physician if you are having new or worsening symptoms.

Hygiene Practices

  1. Cover your coughs and sneezes
  2. Wash hands often for 20+ seconds or use hand sanitizer
  3. Avoid touching your face
  4. Disinfect “high touch” surfaces/items frequently
  5. Disinfect your own sick room/bathroom if possible
  6. Use approved disinfectants when cleaning surfaces
  7. If sharing a bathroom, clean and disinfect the bathroom after use
If you must leave home
  1. Wear a face mask
  2. Practice good hand hygiene
  3. Avoid crowds
  4. Physically distance (6+ feet)
  5. Consider commuting at non-peak times (especially if using public transportation)

Protecting Those You Live With

Separate yourself from other people in your household.

  1. Maintain 6 feet of distance if possible
  2. Wear a face mask even at home
  3. Use different bedrooms, bathrooms, and other living spaces if possible
  4. Eat separately
If you must share a bedroom
  1. Consider using physical dividers (shower curtains, room screen dividers, hanging blankets, etc.) to separate the “ill” side of the bed
  2. Use fans and open windows to increase circulation
  3. Sleep head to toe
If you must share a bathroom
  1. Open doors/windows and use ventilation fans to increase air circulation
  2. Disinfect the bathroom after you use it
  3. Others should wait as long as possible to enter the bathroom after you use it

Tracking Your Symptoms

It can be helpful to write down your symptoms each day so that you have a record of how your illness changes.


Symptoms you might track
  1. Temperature (use a thermometer)
  2. Blood pressure (use a blood pressure monitor)
  3. Oxygen levels (use an oximeter)
  4. Frequency and severity of cough
  5. Loss of taste and/or smell