COVID Overview

Because COVID-19 is a new disease, information about it evolves continually. Our Medical Anthropology & Epidemiology Team reviews, evaluates, and compiles COVID-19 information as it emerges so that we can help you find current and accurate information about the pandemic.

Our COVID Overview discusses some of the most recent research on COVID-19 from evidence-based published and unpublished sources.


COVID Overview Decks

Each of the sections below contains a slide deck of COVID information collected, vetted, and condensed by our medical anthropology and epidemiology team.


Because COVID-19 is a new disease, information about it evolves continually. Our Medical Anthropology & Epidemiology Team reviews, evaluates, and compiles COVID-19 information as it emerges so that we can help you find current and accurate information about the...

Facts About COVID-19

Last updated by our Medical Anthropology & Epidemiology Team on 06.09.2021COVID-19 is a severe respiratory illness caused by the virus named SARS-CoV-2. It is a novel virus, which means that no one in the world has antibodies to it because no one has ever been...

COVID-19 Variants

Last updated by our Medical Anthropology & Epidemiology Team on 06.09.2021When a person is infected with a virus, the virus makes copies of itself in the host in a process called viral replication. This process is not perfect, and newly-synthesized viruses can...

COVID-19 Vaccines

Last updated by our Medical Anthropology & Epidemiology Team on 06.09.2021The Goal of COVID-19 Vaccine Development Vaccines help the body's immune system recognize and respond to diseases. This can prevent illness and/or reduce severity of illness for those who...